Global History & Geography II - Grade 10


... To Mrs. Llanos' Global History & Geography II class!  This year students will complete the two-year program of Global History and Geography.  The course of study starts with the late 18th century and will cover topics until present day.  This year students will trace the rise of democratic ideas; develop an understanding of the historical roots of the current world issues, especially as they pertain to international relations; and learn about the historical context for the United Nations and its Declaration of Human Rights.

Students will discuss theoretical questions, such as what is culture, what is power, and how are they intertwined?  Social studies is not merely a study of names, dates, and facts, but an understanding of how ideological and geographical differences shaped, influenced and sometimes dictated cultures.  Students will grapple with whether or not culture is both a unifying and divise force in human relations as well as does knowledge of the past help one understand the present to make decisions about the future. 

The goal of this course is twofold.  First, to pass Regents Exam and second, to gain new perspectives by engaging with new concepts.  Students will be ask to consider what it means to be part of a community, the ways in which they share responsibility for one another and how to act upon that awareness with generosity, respect, tolerance and empathy.  Skills needed to be a citizen of the 21st century.


To quote one of my favorite authors.... Oh, Baby the Places You'll Go!